
Montréal, August 15, 2019 - In response to the invitation of the follow-up committee for this project, the Borough of Saint-Laurent (Mayor Alan DeSousa, twoCity Councillors, a borough councillor and a representative from Culture, Sports, Recreation and Social Development) as well as representatives of the following institutions and organizations: Cegep de Saint-Laurent, Volunteers Center and Community Development in Saint-Laurent (ABC Center), Center for Young Immigrant Women ( CEJFI), the Bahá'í Community of Saint-Laurent, the Committee of Social Organizations of Saint-Laurent, the Police Deparment of the City of Montreal, Neighborhood Station 7 and the YMCA Saint-Laurent met to reflect and discuss on an Action Plan.

This is an initiative of Laurentian Community to promote and develop practices that promote Unity in Diversity. 

Several Laurentian organizations wishing to promote living in harmony and unity of the Laurentians population, said Gigi Vidal, the Director of Community Affairs of the Bahá'í Community of Montreal, a meeting was called to reflect and discuss about the ways to make this vision of Unity in Diversity a mobilizing project in order to unify the Laurentian community. Ultimately, the goal is for Saint-Laurent to be an inspiring model of social harmony. 

Since autumn 2017, following a Panel Discussion held in honor of the Bicentenary of the birth of Bahá'u'lláh with a message of Peace, Hope, Unity and Justice centered on Unity in Diversity, reflections and informative meetings have been originated toward this goal which have proved very fruitful. A follow-up committee was set up including the Bahá'í Community of Montreal, Cegep Saint-Laurent, the Police Department of the City of Montreal - Neighborhood Station 7 (SPVM, PDQ 7) and the Committee of Saint-Laurent Social Organizations (COSSL).

In December 2018, a questionnaire was sent to more than 150 people to find out whether there was any goal set within the Laurentian associations to promote Unity in Diversity. On August 15, 2019, a breakfast-meeting was organized by the follow-up committee to present the results of the questionnaire as well as a detailed Plan of Action to promote Unity in Diversity by creating a friendship link between Laurentians of all backgrounds.


1. To publicize existing programs that favor Unity in Diversity;

2. To put forward innovative projects related to the theme;

3. To be an inspiring model of social emblem beyond the territory of Saint-Laurent.

In a warm atmosphere of unity, respect and sharing, different ideas emerged following a cordial discussion among the representatives present, such as to name a public park after this project or to place a sign to reflect this idea in an area in the borough, dedicate a week to Unity in diversity, a Facebook page that would broadcast the various programs and activities to show the importance of Unity, an Instagram account #uniteindiversity, etc.

Our success must be motivated by our values.



Bahá'í Center


177, av des Pins E
Montréal, QC H2W 1N9
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Phone: 514-849-0753

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Montreal Shrine


1548, av des Pins O, Montreal
Phone: 514-568-2104

Click here for map and hours


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