Book Reviews

Tending the Garden is a biography of Rosemary and Emeric Sala who became Baha'is in Montreal at a time when there were some sixty members in all of Canada.   It is told in the Sala's words, using excerpts of letters and papers spanning the years 1926 to 1990.  Included is correspondence to and from Shoghi Effendi, Ruhiyyih Khanum, May and Sutherland Maxwell, among many others.  

Here you will learn about Montreal's first Baha'i youth group; how, while World War II raged, Emeric wrote a book what would become a well-used introduction to the Faith; and how Rosemary set up a library in a South African township school in the days of apartheid.  There is a story about Mrs. Guilaroff who had heard Abdu'l-Baha speak while He was in Montreal.   And much more.

Available at Bahá'i Book store Montreal : Bookstore

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