
Saint-Laurent, October 26, 2017 - The celebration of Unity in Diversity to build a better future together! - aimed at bringing together citizens who are concerned about the Laurentian community and who are eager to improve it - took place in a warm atmosphere of unity, respect and sharing at Cégep de Saint-Laurent , with the participation of about thirty people including the Mayor of Saint-Laurent, Mr. Alan DeSousa who opened the meeting with a word of welcome. The representatives of the following institutions and organizations that were part of the round table talk are as follows: CEGEP Saint-Laurent, Center for Young Immigrant Women, Saint-Laurent Social Organizations Committee, Saint-Laurent Baha'i Community, Montreal Police Service - Neighborhood Station No. 7 and YMCA Saint-Laurent. The event was organized by the Baha'i Community of Saint-Laurent in partnership with the Cégep de Saint-Laurent.

During this event of reflection and exchange, each panelist tried to define ways that should allow to achieve unity in the rich diversity of our borough. How to promote this richness, to welcome the other while respecting our values and those of others? How to understand each other, to appreciate one another and to establish harmony between all? How to combine our energies and put it in the service of the common good? How to put forward and make known our strength as a borough?

In his address, the Mayor of Saint-Laurent, Alan DeSousa, said: "This community is rich in many cultures from here and elsewhere, who have learned to live together in harmony ... We are very happy for this initiative and wish that you would share the results of your discussions. "

As a highlight to mention was the humorous testimony of a young Cégep Saint-Laurent student via a video clip on Racial Discrimination produced by the Cégep. There was the enthusiasm of the members of the round table for the idea of unity in diversity and which were themselves united and complementary in their statements about what can be done, concretely, to promote true unity in diversity. Also note the richness of the remarks during the period of exchange and discussions with all the participants, without forgetting the social part which allowed us to forge bonds of friendship!

The photo shows: Alan DeSousa, Mayor of Saint-Laurent, Ariane Bureau, Pedagogical Advisor for Student and Intercultural Life at Cégep de Saint-Laurent and Round Table Facilitator, Gigi Vidal, Director of the Community Affairs Office of the Baha’i Community Montreal, Régine Alende Tshombokongo, CEJFI Director, Margot L.-Leonard, the representative of the Baha'i Community of Saint-Laurent, COSSL Executive Director, Maria Ximena Florez, Director of the YMCA Saint-Laurent, Marie-Josée Meilleur, the pedagogical advisor in French at Cégep de Saint-Laurent, Rosine Sicignano, the pedagogical advisor of the Continuing Education Direction, Cécile Hernu, the Commander of the Montreal Police Service, Neighborhood Station No. 7, Cédric Couture, and the young comedian Mehdi Agnaou.


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Phone: 514-568-2104

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